Based on the art project IMAGE CHAIN, which took place from November 2022 to August 2023 and was presented in the Study Gallery Ludwigsburg, Germany, in October, we have developed a new concept in which art students from the Ludwigsburg University of Education Germany enter into an image dialogue with art students from the Alberto Hurtado University Santiago de Chile. Three Chilean and three German students create an image chain of 6 images together by communicating only via images. The identity of the 6 participating students are only known by the organizer. Each student creates his image as an answer to an image he gets from an unknown student from the other country. 

The idea is, that the artists only focus on the image they will receive and to elaborate their reply to that specific visual message from the unknown college of them. They can choose the kind of their reply they want to formulate with their image: a continuation, a dissent, a question, an answer, a development, etc. The only condition is, that they really reply to that specific image they will receive, with its specific colours, shapes and its content – as far as they understand it. Furthermore, they can choose the technique(s) they want to work with. 

The artists will communicate with each other only through their image with its pure “language” of colour and shape and its content, message or sense and, therefore, the image chain will reveal the intercultural potential of imagery for human communication and culture.


Participating Groups:

University Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile. Teacher:

Javier Lewin

University of Education, Ludwigsburg, Germany. Teacher:

Goda Plaum


Thanks to 

Paula Dittborn (University Alberto Hurtado, Santiago)

Sandra Accatino (University Alberto Hurtado, Santiago)

Alejandra Orbeta (University Alberto Hurtado, Santiago)

Gloria Blass (University of Education, Ludwigsburg)

Emily Gampoura (University of Education, Ludwigsburg)




Chain 1

Chile                                     Germany                               Chile                                     Germany                             Chile                                       Germany

Chain 2

Chile                                     Germany                               Chile                                     Germany                             Chile                                       Germany

Chain 3

Chile                                     Germany                               Chile                                     Germany                             Chile                                       Germany

Chain 4

Chile                                     Germany                               Chile                                     Germany                             Chile                                       Germany

Chain 5

Chile                                     Germany                               Chile                                     Germany                             Chile                                       Germany

Chain 6

Chile                                     Germany                               Chile                                     Germany                             Chile                                       Germany

Chain 7

Chile                                     Germany                               Chile                                     Germany                              Chile 

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